Investing in the future: the first graduates of the Enera “Leadership School” project

SEG Enera conducted the first training course designed for group managers. Awarding ceremony for the participants took place on 21 May - employees of ERIELL Group and Saneg.

The course is aimed to develop the key competencies necessary for effective management in modern business conditions. Participants gained knowledge in management, leadership and strategic planning.
Educational programs of the School of Management play a decisive role in the development of employee skills. Programs focus on developing competencies critical to success:
• Team management
• Execution management
• Problem analysis and solving

“We are convinced that investments in education and personnel development are productive and contribute to the development of the company. SEG Enera will continue to invest in the development of employees of the group of companies and prepare future leaders of our industry,” emphasized SEG Enera HR Director Khurshed Khodzhimetov.

Training within the framework of the School of Leaders program is conducted by HR experts SEG Enera and includes 10 modules aimed at developing the professional skills of managers.
“The school’s programs are an integral part of the company’s development strategy, aimed at identifying and training talented employees who will form a personnel reserve for the group of companies,” noted Mikhail Klimkin, Head of personnel development department of SEG Enera